20 Mar 2012

NightCrawler - Awful sketches

Tried to do some sketches but could get the pose and suff positioned the way I wanted it so gave up in the end, was going do a couple more but just can't be asked at moment with everything else. I have a rough more simple idea in my head now, so I'm going do a Daarken and just go for it. I know you like development steve but... I just can't at moment. So I'm just going go for it, I'll make sure to make a progress of it though.


  1. That's ok, I'll let you off this time, your dev process is always thorough :) Still think you would benefit from setting up something in a 3D package for reference tho - will post some an example.

    1. I would have tried if 3DsMax worked on Mac, I can't really get to grips with Maya. : /
