16 Mar 2012

NightCrawler - Setup and Technique

Ok I'm going try an do a Bobby Chiu's set up style with the large canvas, border, ruler lines and reference images. But still use Daarken's general technique, since I enjoyed that more. 

Also before I get started hopefully steve will be able to help me again. 
While I was doing bobby's artist study, while I was drawing/paint and I want to pass a rule line my brush would but the line would follow up the ruler, I think it's a setting I had on when we were doing perspective drawing in the first year, not sure how to disable it now.


Example of my issue:


  1. You need to disable "Snap to Guides". Go to View -> Snap To -> Uncheck 'Guides'.

  2. More often than not I toggle all snapping on or off (the shortcut is shift+Ctrl+;)
