25 Feb 2012

Robot Moodboard

Ok so my first idea was to do a slim butler robot like a Jeeves or Alfred style butler... but as a robot. Then I decided to keep with british angle and at same time play on the 'Rock & Sock'em Robots' and the 'Real Steel' concepts. By doing a Pugilist Robot, slim but still with a bruiser/burly feature and main focusing on british gentlemen idea... Moustache. 



19 Feb 2012

Surreal Moodboard

My idea so far is a crab with a castle on top of it at moment, needs some more bizarre elements to it though. Would be nice to get some advice on this one Steve.


Surrealism is my favourite art movement... of all time. I just love the use of colour, the detail with in the paintings and the bizarre and wacky nature of the scene. 

This is my favourite surrealist paint called 'Landscape from a Dream' by Paul Nash.
 I've loved this piece as soon as I saw it in the Tate modern, while I was still on foundation.
Unlike most surrealist paintings it has more of a messy watercolour/pastel style to it, more simplistic compared to the usual highly detailed surrealist paintings.

Paul Nash (1936-8) Landscape from a Dream 
[Painting] Oil on Canvas.

Hmmm... maybe its time to revisit my Six form days, I think I'll start with my first year Surrealist piece.

Ta! Da... Wait... oh god burn it. Burn it with fire. Yeah we had to pick a place, an animal, and some objects from "hat"s. I got Disc, Tap, Ice cream, rocking horse, cassette, bacon, jellyfish and mousetrap. Well you can probably clearly see those.

What about my final year piece for six form?... hmmm.

Meh... I guess it was slightly better.

War Final

Ok heres my war final at last. Really not happy with the outcome though, just looks terriable. Happy I managed to do a quicker painting style though... so ... yeah. Also I've come to terms I really can't do eyes and I'm still struggling with hands. The wheel got rushed in the end and the decking is just photo. Really not happy with the hair aswell.

16 Feb 2012

Rough sketch for final

Rough sketch going towards final. Going need clean up in places, going try an different painting technique, quick layer one.

15 Feb 2012

Rough Sketches

I'm just going say now I'm not going have the final done in time, I hadn't even though about what I want my final until I saw your post steve. Just rushed to atleast get these rough sketches done, not happy with them but oh well. Sorry have been really busy with the pitch and other work. Going work my nuts off over weekend to get the final done for you though, plus a moodboard for next one I guess if you setting it online.

So yeah, in the panic I've decided to go with a steam punk pin-up most probably the bottom right sketch. I did do some quick designs for steam punk boats but they looked more naff than these sketches.

12 Feb 2012

War MoodBoards

Well my first idea was WWII pinup because I really do have a liking to them... I mean... dem legs man... dem legs. Was sure which way I would go with them though, so I then though about steam punk military ideas. I really like the idea of like a japanese steam power navy in a dock/bay. Then couple people suggested to do a steam punk pin up... so now I'm drawn between the two... excuse the pun.

8 Feb 2012

Final Self-Potrait

So yeah heres my final self portrait took me hours to do hope you like it.

.... Nah I'm only joking should be below this.

Final Self-Potrait

I'm not sure if I like this as much as the one with the sketch overlayed.

**Edit: Added in some more darker contrasting lines and lightened the background, and re-adjusted the hair line.


Here is my starting sketch, and below is the greyscale painting that I've done so far along with the sketch overlayed and a background. Quiet like how looks like that, but will continue the greyscale painting till it's done any way.

7 Feb 2012

Second Moodboard (redefined)

Just decided to define my mood-board better, going go with the grayscale close up portrait.

5 Feb 2012

Self portrait - Mood-boards and rough sketches

Ok so my main idea is mainly a grayscale extreme close up portrait of the shoulders and just up to cheekbones/nose tip. I have been looking at maybe having patterns, collages, objects of interested in the background but I fell that would make it more cluttered.  

Ok so my first idea in these sketches is my main idea described above of greyscale extremely close up, the seconded being similar but with collage bits in the background, 3rd being full portrait and 4th being full portrait with interesting framing block things. All of them would focus on key facial features and classic clothing style, also combined with G-man adjusting tie pose.

Another idea I came up with a little bit afterwards, using the pose and style of self-portrait I found yesterday, combined with Deus Ex and Blade runner theme.

4 Feb 2012

Self Portrait - Some Inspiration - Gottfried Helnwein

Just discovered this interesting self portrait, while doing research for my mood-board and felt that it needed to be separate from the actual mood-board.

self portrait 1977
watercolor on cardboard

This is one of Gottfried Helnwein few self portraits, I really like the abstract/surrealist style to it along with the calm mood in generates. Mind you this is the only piece I like of his, many of his other pieces are rather visual distressing to look at.

His other self portraits here and if you really want to his other work here.