13 Dec 2011

Second Mood Board and Sketches

Been looking at Gadu architecture for my alien houses/huts, still going down the line of Tatooine style buildings.

 Also some my sketches for the buildings and plants in myu scene/landscape.

Then my final skecthes of what I wan the scene to look like, I'm going for cliffs with floating broken off rocks. ALong with coastly sea line mixed in with jungle.

6 Dec 2011

Rough sketch - Santa Brief

Heres the rough sketch going towards the final. Needs some major modifications especial the hand, also think the head is too small. Going be adding in texture for waist coat and maybe other bits.

5 Dec 2011

2 Dec 2011

1 Dec 2011

Final Painting

Can't belive I managed to do paint this, un happy with parts of it. But really happy with the small details, since I suddenly picked up the painting style.

Edit: Now a quick colour version I knocked up.